Clinical Psychologist / Kliniese Sielkundige
Practice no. 864 0815

Stop Rook

Wil jy ophou rook? - JY KAN! - Met Hipnose


+ 80% van alle rokers wil STOP!

35% Probeer jaarliks ophou.

Slegs 5% is suksesvol met selfhelp tegnieke.

Tussen 80-90% rokers slag met Hipnose

3 x meer sukses as nikotienvervangingsterapie

15 x meer as selfhelp-tegnieke

 (New Science, Oktober 10. 1992)

Wanopvattings oor Hipnose – Wat is waar?

Hipnose help jou met vernanderinge wat JY wil, sonder dwang

Jy verloor nie jou bewussyn nie

Jy het beheer oor wat jy sê

Jy sal onthou wat gesê is


“Jou eie besluitneming en gevolglike optrede is die kern van jou sukses om op te hou rook en dit is waarmee rokers gehelp word tydens hipno-terapie” - Jacob Oostenbrink, Kliniese Sielkundige en kliniese hipno-terapeut van die Strand.

As jy gehelp wil word om op te hou rook, maar jy het hulp nodig om jou vinning deur die chemiese- en emosionele onttrekkingsfase te help, is hipnose 'n uiters kragtige hulpmiddel. As jy nie werklik wil ophou nie, en jy hoop dat hipnose jou denke hieroor gaan verander, is hipnose of enige ander vorm van terapie 'n mors van jou tyd en geld.

Ander hulpmiddels soos psigo-terapie, akkupunktuur en nikotien vervangingstegnieke kan almal effektief wees, maar navorsing toon dat hipnose by verre die mees gewildste alternatief is.

Die rookgewoonte word jaarliks al hoe duurder. Die gemiddelde roker rook tussen 20-30 sigarette per dag en naweke selfs meer. Dit beteken 'n gemiddeld van 30 tot 45 pakkies per maand en die finansiële koste kan maklik R12 150.00 per jaar beloop. Dit sluit nie die belading in wat ekstra betaal word op jou lewensversekering en mediese fonds nie. Beide jou gesondheid en jou finansies kan net verbeter as jy die rookgewoonte verbreek.

Verbeterde Gesondheid

Binne 'n paar maande nadat jy ophou rook het, sal jy drasties beter voel en jou risiko vir talle siektes afneem. Jy sal soggens minder hoes, en ook nie meer kortasem wees nie. Jou kanse om met bronchitis en ander hart- en longverwante siektes geteister te word sal betekenisvol verminder.

As jy al ooit iemand met enfiseem ontmoet het, sal jy dit waardeer en verstaan hoe gelukkig jy is om vrylik te kan asemhaal, en daarby saam is die gedagte aan moontlike long-, keel- of lipkanker genoeg aansporing tot 'n rookvrye toekoms.

This practice adheres to the strictest of safety regulations to limit the spread of the Corona Covid-19 virus.

Your Safety is important to us!
No Mask, No Entry
Screening and risk assessment done, with temperature measured and recorded.
Hand Sanitizer at the entrance.
No handshaking or touching.
Proper handwash facility, with disposable paper-towels.
Adequate distancing between client and staff and ample space between psychologist and client during therapy.
Limited clients in the practice.
Your Safety is important to us!
What is a clinical psychologist?
A clinical psychologist is a person who holds a MA degree in clinical psychology and is registered with the Health Profession Council of South Africa (HPCSA).
This profession speciality is mainly concerned with diagnosing more serious mental, emotional and behavioural disturbances. Clinical psychologists tend to view emotional wellbeing in an integrated way by taking into consideration the related aspects of the environment, body, brain and the mind.
Why do people visit a clinical psychologist?
Individuals visit a clinical psychologist because they are troubled with problems, traumas or issues that they are not able to effectively deal with.
These problems mostly have a significant negative impact on various areas of their lives, and may include school-, work-, home or their relational/marital live.
How are appointments made?
Clients often make appointments for themselves when they have the need to.
But clients are mostly referred to psychologists by their General Practitioner (GP’s), certain Specialists, Pastors of their congregation, their schools or even by their employers.


Find help now. - CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) - Hypno-therapy - EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) - Specific Psycho-Therapy
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